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your one stop shop solution!

From simple truss sleeves to elaborate walk thru attractions. FX3 designs and develops all scenic elements in which special effects are used. This is part of the uniqueness of FX3: we can be your one stop shop solution! You don’t have to contact multiple firms, we can do design & construction, lighting, sound and special effects, all in-house, leading to a better integrated result and a smoother build-up without surprises.

Orthodental Jurassic

Dr Mounir Hammoudi had a dream: turn your dental appointment into a fantastic experience, in a Jurassic Universe style. Ivan Dupont, a great renowned architect, knew how to fulfill Dr Hammoudi's vision. From conception to completion, the project took 2 years and required the intervention of more than 100 top specialists in each industry. FX3 was thrilled to be part of this amazing project. We created and produced the decor for the dinosaurs, took care of the integration of the special effects and the show control.


PS. The animatronics (dinosaurs) were not created by us.

The house of silent jill

The House of Silent Jill is light years away from those traditional haunted houses that rely on actors who come in contact with you. Of course, there is that too, but this attraction plays mainly on the deepest phobias of visitors. An immersive experience not recommended for sensitive souls! 


The house has a total of 10 rooms, all different. With this haunted house, we’ve reached new heights in creating an ambience and atmosphere with special effects never seen before in the park. The house has been completely redesigned. This represents six months of intensive work on the art direction and more than three months of work on site.

FX3 - Koezio Lyon 2019 - 9.JPG

After the great success of Mission Hors Controle at Koezio Lille in 2018, IQ Concept trusted us again to repeat the collaboration in Paris for Koezio Sénart. Copy-pasting not being part of our philosophy, we adapted the design to create a unique atmosphere. Decoration, integration of the special effects and programming the games were done in record timings to be officially inaugurated on 26th September.

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